Welcome to the greatest bench press program you will ever run

What's Included?

8 weeks of meticulous preparation broken into 2 key blocks + 1 final max-out week.

How long is the program?expand_more
The "Road To 405" Bench Press Program is 9 weeks long. 8 weeks of meticulous preparation broken into 2 key blocks, then a final max-out week designed to push the limits of your bench press capabilities.
How do I receive the program once I buy it?expand_more
Immediately after your purchase, the program, as well as a welcome message will be sent to your email, and phone number (optional).
Am I guaranteed to hit 405?expand_more
No. I still can't even hit it.
Still have questions? No problem!expand_more
Damo's Fitness will answer any questions one may have regardless of its program, dieting, or general lifting form questions. Damo will be happy to answer them! Please feel free to send a DM to @damianthefatass on Instagram or contact coachdamo@damianthefatass.com through email and he will personally get back to you as soon as possible!