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Welcome to the greatest bench press program you will ever run 

This program was created after seeing ridiculous benchpress strength gains through the "ROAD TO 405LBS" Youtube series.
We took the experimental programming that produced the strength progress you've seen throughout the video series and crafted it into a simpler, yet more effective system for lifters of all levels.
Prepare to get much stronger than ever before. 

What's Included?

Nutrition Guide
The better you eat, the stronger you get. 

Exercise Directory
21 never before seen videos breaking down the art of every exercise in the program. 
9 Weeks of Training

8 weeks of meticulous preparation broken into 2 key blocks + 1 final max-out week.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the program?expand_more

The "Road To 405" Bench Press Program is 9 weeks long. 8 weeks of meticulous preparation broken into 2 key blocks, then a final max-out week designed to push the limits of your bench press capabilities.

How do I receive the program once I buy it?expand_more

Immediately after your purchase, the program, as well as a welcome message will be sent to your email, and phone number (optional).

Am I guaranteed to hit 405?expand_more

No. I still can't even hit it.

Still have questions? No problem!expand_more

Damo's Fitness will answer any questions one may have regardless of its program, dieting, or general lifting form questions. Damo will be happy to answer them! Please feel free to send a DM to @damianthefatass on Instagram or contact through email and he will personally get back to you as soon as possible!


Complete Training Program:
  • Detailed workouts for February and March.
  • Specific rep ranges, RIR (Reps in Reserve), and progression techniques tailored for results.
Nutrition Tracking Tools:
  • Keep your diet on point with built-in resources to monitor your macros and performance.
Exclusive Community Access: 
  • Damian will be training day by day alongside subscribers, providing motivation and real-time insight.
  • Gain access to an exclusive community of fellow PowerBuilder's. Share experiences, ask questions, and receive guidance from Damian and others.